Tuesday, April 12, 2011


As a relatively frequent flyer this airline seems to be the answer to my prayers. Island hopping, while fun, is costly and for me at least flying LIAT although cheaper than Caribbean Airlines is no longer an option. The first and last time I flew with them I prayed all the way from Barbados to Trinidad as I was sure that that rickety-vibrating-and-making-random-loud-noises-plane was only managed to get airborne by the grace of God.

Caribbean Airlines, while my airline of choice has been bussin price on me as late, as well as I have been having some serious customer service/flight booking issues over the last few months. Now while they have made me considerably richer in the world of flight vouchers, their overbooking/flight cancelling shenanigans have the potential to be quite inconvenient. As a matter of fact the universe knew what it was doing when I couldnt get Beachouse tickets, because thnx to Cbbean Airlines overbooking ALL their flights from JFK I was denied boarding to my original flight and placed on a later one that just barely got me home in time for TRIBE's Ignite.

Taken from their Facebook Fan Page:
REDjet is the first ever Caribbean Low Fares Airline. Unlike traditional airlines, low fare airlines cut out all unnecessary waste to keep fares low and passengers happy. REDjet operates a 'Pay for What You Use' policy meaning on top of your base fare you only pay for what you want including checked baggage, food and drinks and priority boarding.

Now while I try not to fly Spirit because of the same 'pay what you use policy' I really dont mind this approach for a regional airline.If I'm hopping over to another island all I need are bikinis and coverups and generally impy skimpy wear so one carry-on works fine for me. The flights would also obviously be shorter than international flights so I can also do without the airline offering a meal. REDjet has also claimed that they will fly non-stop which is something I would definitely appreciate. I really dislike having to stop on the way to my destination, flying from Trini to JA for example was particularly irritating as we made at least 3 stops on the way.

I really hope that REDjet successfully launches as I believe that this is exactly the competition we need for other airlines *cough*Caribbean Airlines*cough* to lower their fares. Which in turn might make my Cropover ticket this year a lil cheaper....one can hope right. With less than 24hours to go before their first tickets reportedly go on sale, I wish this new company all the best.

UPDATE: So this lil notice on their website will have me holding onto my money for a lil while longer, either til its resolved or their first flight happens, whichever comes first. Wasnt even aware it was legal/allowed for airlines to book flights before they have complete approval and permission to fly. Interesting.

Airone Ventures Ltd trading as REDjet has applied for a license under the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2007 for a Barbados Air Operators Certificate. The applications are currently being considered and the license and certificate status is pending.

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